Wednesday 24 December 2014

" A Book Connecting You Even More Intensely To The Incident And Puts You Literally On Scene."

Before the year is out, the last work post! I am very pleased to see another Review of my last book, SPBH Book Club Volume VI from the wonderful Josef Chladek, and here is what he has to say about it...

"I have quite a number of old books, over the years you learn to distinguish between the different smells and their sources (damp, too much sun, smoking, ...), and it's like with some people - there are ones you can't stand and you stay away from them, others you return to just to get your mind going and "smell" the history. I realized that when I first heard and read about Melinda Gibson's new book - an investigation on what happened to her studio after it was heavily damaged by fire (and water). She documents that in this book (in strange, abstracted patterns and high contrast images) - but on top each and every book got smoked. What sounds like another (photo)book gimmick turns out to add a creepy and mystery note to the "object" of the book connecting you even more intensely to the incident and puts you literally on scene. Just afraid that it will loose the smell over years - love it!" Josef Chladek

See the book on Chladek's Photobook Self -

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